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Santiago Sierra
* 1966 in Madrid, Spain, livest in Madrid
After graduating in Fine Arts at Madrid’s Complutense University, Santiago Sierra completed his artistic training in Hamburg, where he studied under professors F. E. Walter, S. Brown and B. J. Blume. His beginnings are linked to alternative art circuits in the capital of Spain—El Ojo Atómico, Espacio P—although he would go on to develop much of his career in Mexico (1995–2006) and Italy (2006–10). His work has always exerted a great influence on artistic literature and criticism.
Sierra’s oeuvre strives to reveal the perverse networks of power that inspire the alienation and exploitation of workers, the injustice of labour relations, the unequal distribution of wealth produced by capitalism, the deviance of work and money, and racial discrimination in a world scored with unidirectional (south-north) migratory flows.
Revisiting and refiguring certain strategies characterising the Minimalist, Conceptual and Performance Art of the 1960s and 70s.
“People are objects of the state and of capital and are treated as such. That’s exactly what I’m trying to show.” (Santiago Sierra, Thomas Zander Gallery)
Photo © Santiago Sierra