Martin Frommelt
* 1933 in Schaan, Liechtenstein
lives in Schaan, Liechtenstein
Martin Frommelt is a painter, sculptor and printmaker. Whilst initially representational, his work developed progressively towards abstraction. Alongside painting, Frommelt has, since the 1950s, been intensively addressing the issue of integrating art into architecture and public space, all the while connecting historical epochs with contemporary architectural discourse. Amongst other things, he has dedicated himself to the colour design of entire building complexes and façades, has produced stained glass windows and mosaics, and has also created numerous sculptures and enamel works. From the 1970s onwards, he has also increasingly pursued printmaking with its opportunities for serial imagery and visual narratives. In this context he created elaborate graphical series and scholarly portfolios. In 1970 he published his first print work “The Apocalypse after Johannes”, a serial work (color woodcut) on the theme of transcendence. The second major graphic cycle, “Vähtreb-Viehtrieb” (1974-1986), is a rotogravure narrative about the meagre lives of pastoralists. 1989-1999 Frommelt created the etching cycle “CREATION – Five Constellations on Creation”, a comprehensive panopticon of the artistic manifestations of the natural environment and visual structures in cosmology. As triology, they form a special focus in Frommelt’s work.
“For me, it’s the picture behind the picture that counts…” (Martin Frommelt)
Photo: Sebastian Frommelt © Studio Martin Frommelt