Chao-Ming Teng
* 1977 in Taipei, Taiwan; lives in Taipei
TENG Chao-Ming, graduated from the School of Architecture and Planning (Media Arts and Sciences program) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has been invited to residency programs including The Arctic Circle, Villa Arson (FR) and Para Site (HK). Central to TENG’s artistic questions are agency, causality, indeterminacy, and structures and forces that frame our understanding of these concepts. He constructs and deconstructs narratives to address these questions: to him, our sense of subjectivity and individuality has everything to do with the stories we tell and stories we were told. We are always interacting with stories and constructing narratives, and Teng views this story-exchanging system like a network that is constantly being sculpted. Teng’s work provides us with tools and metaphorical concepts that help us mold the network: adding/deleting nodes, building and stretching links. In his own words: “The challenge of making healthy selves and societies is keeping such flowing networks of narratives as lively, open, and energetic as possible. Human beings live by narratives.“
www.tengchaoming.com Photo: Teng Chao-Ming