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Beat Zoderer

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Beat Zoderer

* 1955 in Zurich, Switzerland
lives in Wettingen, Switzerland, and Genoa, Italy

After teaching and working in various architectural offices from 1971 to 1976, Beat Zoderer has been working as a freelance artist since 1977. Zoderer’s work includes installations, sculptures, wall objects, paper projects and collages. His art takes its source from material far removed from art, which he obtains from DIY stores or stationery shops. Beat Zoderer’s work alternates between surface and object, sculpture and installation. Everyday materials such as PVC, structural panels, rubber bands, metal ties, office supplies, parquet flooring, or chipboard are used to create geometric two and three dimensional arrangements that extend into a space. He has received various prizes and awards, such as the Manor Art Prize of the Canton of Aargau in 1995; the Recognition Prize of the Max Bill and Georges Vantongerloo Foundation, Zurich in 1998; and, in 2018, the Willy-Reber Art Prize. Together with landscape architects from Hager Partner AG, Zoderer designed the courtyard of the Berlin Parliament Building in 2012.

“I’m inherently more interested in the holes in a grid or system.” (Beat Zoderer, Neues Museum Nuremberg)


Photo © Andreas Zimmermann