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FLATZ. Something wrong with physical sculpture

Something wrong with physical sculpture

Pinakothek der Moderne, München
9. Februar bis 5. Mai 2024

The performance artist, sculptor, stage designer, musician and poet FLATZ (*1952) is undoubtedly one of the most extraordinary artistic personalities of our time. The retrospective at the Pinakothek der Moderne

focuses on the body, the central theme of his work. FLATZ‘ performances, sculptures and multimedia installations are extreme and disturbing. He often uses his own body to express human vulnerability and counteract the apathy of the audience. With selected works from 1974 to the present day, the exhibition is dedicated to FLATZ‘ radical concept of the body, which repeatedly addresses sensitive and fragile planes of thought in an unmistakable way. One of the works that refers to this aspect is a self-portrait created in 1997, the title of which is also the name of the entire exhibition: “Something Wrong with Physical Sculpture“. (Text: Pinakothek der Moderne)

Curated by Bernhard Schwenk.

further information see: www.Pinakothek-der-Moderne.de