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Press release, October 7, 2022


Press release, October 7, 2022

New release: STOA169 – The Artist Columned Hall

Polling, October 2022

Located in the middle of nature, the concept of the STOA169 offers a comprehensive, overall art experience that involves the visitors of the hall. The art columns have a common, fundamental task: they have a supporting role of the common roof, and form a universe in developing a dialogue, an aura, that goes beyond any accustomed art exhibition. The visitors experience a stage-like but open space, an ‚exhibition‘ in which they themselves become participants.

The comprehensive book on STOA169 with illustrations of the columns, artist biographies and texts, edited by the STOA169 Foundation, is now published by Hirmer Verlag, Munich. The format 23 x 29 cm comprises 276 pages with more than 130 illustrations and is available in German and English. Price: EUR 45.00 (free shipping within Germany).

Details on STOA169 can be found at www.stoa169.com. For further information, interview requests or additional images, please contact:
Dr. Gerald Meier
M +49 (0) 179 456 4985
F +49 (0) 8802 90180 91