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Press release, 17. August 2021

An open hall for an open society –
The STOA169 columned hall is completed

150 visual artists set sign for tolerance and understanding

As a globally unique artist columned hall, the STOA169 brings together international artists from over 50 countries: 150 artists of conceptual art, painting, photography, sculpture or craftsmanship have each designed one of the 121 columns that support a common roof. On 1,600 square meters, an open foyer based on ancient models was created in the middle of nature, a permanent setting that unites artistic ideas and different cultural ideas in one place.

The STOA169 ground is located on the banks of the Ammer River, west of the monastery and artist village of Polling in Upper Bavaria. Non-profit oriented, freely accessible to the public and for the purpose of education and expansion of experience, it also sees itself as an archive of contemporary art, and thus ties in with the democratic understanding of a museum.

On September 13, 2020, a 1st construction section of the STOA169 with 81 columns wasopened for art lovers from all over the world, now the other columns have also been installed.

Despite the major pandemic challenges, around 100,000 visitors have so far found their way into the columned hall.

Initiator Bernd Zimmer on completion: “Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come. The columned hall now shows itself in all its dimensions and in serene beauty.

Creating it was an act of strength in every way. The entire structural engineering area, the cooperation with the artists and craftsmen, the restrictions caused by the pandemic and, last but not least, the financing were a great challenge. From the beginning, it was important to me that we artists create a common sign of solidarity, tolerance and togetherness. That it was possible in the end to combine this project with so many colleagues with a wide variety of concepts remains astonishing for me as well. Especially in our time, which is characterized by demarcation and individualism, it is important to point to what connects cultures. I think we have achieved something great together and thus set an example that only the visual art can. “

Website: www.stoa169.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/stoa169stiftung/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoa169stiftung/#stoa169stiftung #atelierberndzimmer #säulenhalle #mittragen

We will be happy to provide you with high-resolution images for editorial use on request.

Please note the copyright information in the picture titles.

Contact: Dr. Gerald Meier, STOA169 Foundation, Kirchplatz 2, 82398 Polling i. Obb.

Telephone: +49 (0) 8802 90 180 92, mobile: +49 (0) 179 456 4985, email:


STOA169 Foundation

The non-profit STOA169 foundation based in Polling, Upper Bavaria, was founded by the initiator Bernd Zimmer in November 2016. It is the sponsor and operator of the artists’ columned hall and, in accordance with the foundation’s purpose, is committed to promoting art and culture through the implementation and permanent maintenance of the STOA169.

Together with sponsors and sponsors, the Foundation is responsible for the acquisition of land, development, preparatory work and construction as well as the realization of the artist’s columns. Bernd Zimmer is the chairman of the eight-member board of trustees of the STOA169 Foundation.