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Press release, 25 March 2021

STOA169 – 21-year-old wood sculptor Lara Lehmann wins competition to design a column

Polling, 25.03.2021 –

The STOA169 Foundation’s competition to design and produce a column among schools and academies for wood sculpture in Upper Bavaria has a winner: Lara Mali Lehmann. Munich native, she is only 21 years old, and a student at the vocational school for wood sculpture in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

 “Double helix. The human DNA” was the thematic brief. This motif was to be questioned, associated, thought about further, changed and worked on artistically.
 Lehmann’s design entitled “Tangled Disentanglement” convinced the STOA169 Foundation jury and is now being implemented by the artisan. In doing so, she visually takes her theme a step earlier under the aspect of evolution. Two chimpanzees hanging from vines represent the strands of the helix structure as well as the natural and spiritual nature of the human being.

“The double helix of DNA is two strands that are always intertwined, always in the same proximity as well as the same distance from each other. An order structured by nature, which can, however, also be tangled. The lianas echo the construct of a double helix. The strands also take up the unfathomable question of our origin, our humanity. The chimpanzees stand as a symbol for ourselves, they make us think of the coexistence of two parts, the natural, fixed part – our DNA – and the free, intangible part – our spirit,” Lehmann explains her idea. 

Students from Munich, Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Oberammergau took part in the STOA169 competition for wood sculpture; 12 designs were submitted by the end of January this year. The costs for the production, transport and installation of the column are borne by a column sponsor together with the STOA169 Foundation.

The STOA169 brings together international artists from over 50 countries and is the only artists’ column hall of its kind in the world: Over 100 artists working with the media of painting, photography, sculpture, conceptual art and handicrafts each design a column, which together support a common roof. 

On 1600 square metres in the middle of nature, an open transitional hall based on an ancient model is being created, a permanent setting that unites contemporary artistic ideas and different cultural concepts in one place.

Details on the STOA169 project can be found at www.stoa169.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stoa169stiftung/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stoa169stiftung/
#stoa169stiftung #atelierberndzimmer #columnedhall #supportingcolumns 

You can find high-resolution images in our press area for download at https://stoa169.com/de/presse/
Please note the copyright information in the picture titles. 

For further information and images, please contact:
Dr. Gerald Meier STOA169 Foundation Kirchplatz 2 2 82398 Polling i. Obb., Germany Phone: +49 (0) 8802 90 180 92 Mobile: +49 (0) 179 456 4985 Email: presse@stoa169.com 

About STOA169 Foundation
The non-profit STOA169 foundation based in Polling, Upper Bavaria, was founded by the initiator Bernd Zimmer in November 2016. It is the sponsor and operator of the artists’ columned hall and, in accordance with the foundation’s purpose, is committed to promoting art and culture through the implementation and permanent maintenance of the STOA169. Together with donors and sponsors, the foundation is responsible for the acquisition of land, development, preparatory work and construction as well as the realization of the artist’s columns. Bernd Zimmer is the chairman of the eight-member board of trustees of the STOA169 Foundation. Vorsitzender des achtköpfigen Kuratoriums der STOA169 Stiftung ist Bernd Zimmer.

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